August 12, 2010


Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung, Alexa Chung! I LOVE HER all the way down to her freshly pedicured twinkly toes! Isn't she just the cutest and best dressed! Not to mention totally inspirational, if you're ever in a jiffy don't forget to think WWAD.. (which is of course, what would alexa do?)
p.s. i have a surprise interview which should be up very soon :)

Alexa ChungAlexa Chung


  1. I wish I was Alexa Chung. Eternally chic!
    Love the interview Babe, thanks so much.
    Much love Zx

  2. hahaa true. no, thank you!
    lots of love, lucy xx
