May 30, 2011

Shakuhachi backstage at RAFW 2011

Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011Shakuhachi RAFW Backstage 2011

Absolutely in love with Shakuhachi.. the hair and makeup for RAFW; FROTTTTHHHHH
I'll be trying this out soon for sure, the girls just look so fresh!
Shows like Shakuhachi and Josh Goot are testimonial to our ever-changing fashion world. Remembering my hatred for fluro after the days of 2008 school disco's made me giggle a little when I saw the backstage photos. It's just like flared jeans and clogs, what has been will come again. At least this time, its high-fashion Australian labels embracing the new trend, with attention to detail, instead of supre!!

Photos courtesy of Sonny's Photos!

1 comment:

  1. wow, first time reading your blog....couldn't stop!
    i have very distinct memories of my very own school 'fluro social in 07 i think it was, ahahha.....i think shakuhachi have done a much better job with fluro then i ever could.
