Remembering what was once important.
Escaping to the past.
Revelling in the fondness of memories.
I play back over holidays with friends and the rawness of being with them in a new context, times I laughed my heart out, picnics when the silence was so comfortable, nights and mornings I'm happy to not remember, the unfamiliarity of a new space and vibe and the thrill of embracing it. Rawness, if actually "something" at all, is a term I'm beginning to explore. I'm over so many things, in more ways then the Dandy Warhols are... The sparkle of wealthy homes, the energy involved in sneaking alcohol and parties into my year, the fake laughs and pouts. The excessive use of a camera and social media to document so many social-climbing lifestyles. What value does all of it hold in a group when one member see's through it. I'm happy to have escaped what seemed so sterile and polite. I seek out friends who you can see after months of separation and it feels like seconds have passed.
Rawness isn't just the moments after a shower, or a model without makeup. Haha thats so vague. I hope my life encompasses raw moments. No, I know it does, ours all do. Its just noticing them out of the blue, rather then looking for them. I'm finding photos in my collections which send me into a day dream of feelings and smells and sounds. I can remember everything. And no, I'm not saying photographs capture a moment, because we all know that already. But rather, a true and honest moment, when photographed, can send the shooter right back to the moment. And that I think is rawness. With that said, these are some random snaps from such an eventful year which for me capture 2012's really pure essence. For me at least!
Description of photos, respectively.
The beach at 1770, during the swap over between Summer and Autumn. A breakthrough in terms of dad and my friendship... I guess you could say. We bonded over photography.
A (totally fake) moment of zen with friends at Stradbroke Island. High as a kite on so much fresh air, good food and company, and a beach to ourselves.
Inside the chicken pen at the Dunnes' Woroona property. The best summer of my life. A celebration of friends we wish were family.
Jacinta and the cock straw. Just realising that all my favourite moments of this year have been away from Brisbane. Poor brissy. Not.
The Caloundra pals.. No words can describe this night. Tim put a fish in my mouth.
The England-bound Joe Tiernan at schoolies week. Okay, so I cheated. But come on. How much funnier can it get than a guy that punches himself in both the eyes. And yes, there was obviously alcohol involved.
Issy Baker and myself at Timmy's so a night of girl talk, literally. Except for the minor exception that Tim is not a girl.
Kel Neil fishing in the creek at Woroona. Memories flood over me of the smell of damper and the heat of a campfire.
The Perigian Originals crew. Timmy and Jacinta. Scrabble, shitty red wine, swimming naked for hours in perfect surf, spiking honey dew melon with gin and getting high on high with reggae performers. A bit of an all round Kelly fest.
The south end of the creek at Woroona, just seconds before all the kids jumped in. We underestimated how hot a half hour ride in the back of a ute could be. Yep, I think we can deem the Woroona trip as a winner indeed.
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